Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Spring Beauty Wishlist

It's spring, the season where love is supposed to blossom, but to be honest, the only thing that is actually blossoming is my beauty wishlist.

So naturally, being absolutely broke and completely frustrated, I decided to share my cravings with you guys as some form of therapy.

Do I own enough eyeshadow palettes? Probably. Do I still need this in my life? Hell yes.
I've been eyeing up several of Stila's eyeshadow palettes for a while now, but I've come to the conclusion that this one is exactly what my soul I need.
It contains both matte and shimmer shades and a lot of copper and brown tones, which I'm loving at the moment.
Might I add, the packaging of this absolutely gorgeous. It makes the product seem even more luxurious and is just such a pleasure to look at.

I have heard so, so many great things about Charlotte Tilbury's products, but sadly, they're still really hard to get hold of where I live.
Their matte revolution lipsticks, however, might be worth the extra effort (and money, sigh) I'll have to put into getting them, because let's be real, they're absolute swoon-worthy.
There are a few shades that I'm liking from this range, but when I bite the bullet and purchase a lipstick that's this pricy, I want a shade that I'll get the most possible wear out of - so "Very Victoria", a light brown toned nude, took my heart by storm.

Even though I always get sucked in by the Benefit counter everytime I'm shopping downtown, I actually don't own any of their products yet - because hey, most of them are over thirty Euros, and I'm a stressed out student.
However, the one product that I keep swatching everytime I'm there is their Watt's Up highlighter. I've been looking for a good quality highlighter for a while now and I just find the finish of this very nice, it appears to leave a healthy glow - something that I'm seriously lacking.

If you've read my review of Mac's "Twig" (which you can find here), you will know how much I adore Mac's lipsticks - especially the ones with a satin finish.
I spent a good thirty minutes swatching shades at the Mac counter last Saturday, noting down the ones I liked to do a little research, and "Brave" is the one that has won my heart.
I'm more a subtle lip kinda gal - reds scare the living shit out of me - so this beauty would nicely fit into my collection.
Besides, how wrong can you go with a Mac lipstick?

This one has been all over the blogosphere for the past two months, and really, I'm dying to try this. If I didn't have a few unused mascaras floating around in my drawer, I think I would've picked this up already.
I have insanely short lashes, and achieving a curl is next to impossible, so I would be really interested in seeing if this miracle product really does what it promises.

On top of dealing with those stubby eyelashes, I have the worst dark circles you could imagine. Think dark purple, insanely huge. There's nothing that covers those.
I've read a few good reviews on this product, and seeing that so far I've always gotten along with Rimmel's products really well, this would be worth and try and won't even break my bank balance.

I already own one of these in the shade "Pink So Chic", a darker plum color, which I reviewed on here, so I know that I'm probably going to like this one as well.
As I mentioned above, nude lips are my thing at the moment, and I've heard a few people call this their perfect nude, so I've got high hopes.

I feel like everyone and their mother owns this shade, and I know, I know, I actually own multiple mint-ish shades, but this one is just so pretty to pass up.
I don't own a single nailpolish by Essie yet - shocking, I know - and I feel like maybe I should change that this spring.

I have been lusting after this perfume for over a year now, and if it wasn't so damn expensive, I would probably bathe in this.
I love this scent. It's light, but not so light that you could miss it, and it's floral, which is a huge change for someone like me who's usually more into sweet scents.
I feel like this is something I should mention in a few conversations with my parents, wink wink.

These are actually only a few of the many products that fill my ever extending wish list, and I'll make sure to keep you guys updated on whether or not I'll actually treat myself to one of them!

Thank you so much for reading!



  1. The Charlotte Tilbury lipstick looks so nice and the packaging is also really pretty :)

    Sarah |

    1. I know, right? They're absolutely beautiful! x

  2. Charlotte Tilbury products are on my wishlist. :)


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