Sunday, May 1, 2016

Why I Am A Feminist | Lifestyle

I'm a very passionate person. If I'm convinced of an idea, a concept or a value, I will stick to it and, what is even more important, stick up for it.
That doesn't mean that I hate everyone who doesn't agree with me or who has a different view on life, not at all actually - I won't yell at you over whether you pour milk or tea into your cup first. You do you, everyone does it differently.

But when it comes to important topics that affect my and a lot of other people's every day life, I have no tolerance for people who talk trash.
There are different topics this could refer to, and I bet you can think of some cases where yourself got so frustrated about a fellow human's mindset you felt like crying, but I'm referring to some very interesting views on women's rights I was confronted with this week.

Me being me, I could not keep my mouth shut when faced with such satetments, which lead to a heated debate that still makes me want to shake my head. That is what inspired this post, and you're about to find out what the hell I'm going on about.


We were discussing Kesha's court case - in case you didn't know, she took her producer to court for sexual abuse, not even wanting him to go to jail, just to get out of her contract with him - and whether we think she's acting sincerely or just pulling a publicity stunt.

One of the boys in my class actually had the guts to suggest that "she kept quiet about the rape for over ten years because she didn't mind what he did to her, maybe she even enjoyed it". At that,  my jaw dropped. I didn't believe my ears, I didn't want to.

But as much as it shocked me, that experience reminded me of why I need feminism, why I am a feminist myself.
I'm a feminist because I cannot bear to listen to people preaching "She was asking for it!" anymore, I cannot take another person defending a rapist and blaming the victim for being too provocative, naive or careless.
I don't want women to be considered inferior, because we're not. We're equal to men. We have the same rights, the same abilities, but in a lot of people's minds we don't.

And that's the crucial point in this entire debate.
I'm not a feminist because I think of women as the superior species and want them to run over the world's men, which a lot of people believe feminism is about - I support the idea of equality, it's as simple as that.
I'm fighting for a world and society in which we stop victim blaming and shaming and taking the offenders under our wings, and start focusing on sorting out what really is wrong.

I'm doing this because I want to live in a world where I, and everyone else, for that matter, can feel like, if I ever get into such a horrible situation, I will get justice, not stones thrown at me.
For all of my female friends, my future daughter and all the women out there, because I want them to be treated in a fair manner, not one that makes them feel bad about themselves, that makes them feel unworthy and useless.

So no, I will not keep my mouth shut about this, no matter how often people will tut or shake their heads at me or call me all kinds of nasty words I don't even want to get into.
I will never do that until some fundamental changes are done, because I do not want to continue living in a society like this.

I know that this is a very heated topic, so I'd love for you to let me know how you feel about this in the comments!
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  1. I'm very moved by your story and I have to say that at first I wasn't really sure if I am a feminist but the past few months I have been reading a lot about it... still not enough but I have and I'm starting to understand what it's all about. I really want to get into it more, read about and inform myself about feminism as I think it's a big matter!
    Jade xo

    1. I think it's great that you want to learn more about feminism because it for sure is a very important matter in today's society - you go girl! :) x

  2. Love a fellow feminist babe!! I wrote the same sort of post on my blog too! It's so important more people identify as feminists as it affects us all!

    1. I'll definitely check out your post! And you're right, women's rights and gender equality is something that affects all of us women all over the world, so it should be a matter of heart for all of us as well.

  3. It's sad people still don't understand that being a feminist means that you believe in equal rights for men and women! Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world where instead of saying "She was asking for it" or "She enjoyed it" we responded with compassion and actually wanted to help out in order to get justice for her? I mean, I always think about the nice tv scenario. If I had a big screen tv stolen from my home the first question cops would ask wouldn't involve whether or not I was showing it off and I wouldn't be told I deserved to have it taken because it was for everyone to see. Rather they would find the culprit and punish him. Either way I enjoyed reading your post.

    Single Vegas Girl

  4. Thank you for sharing this. Keep fighting, never silence yourself.


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